Saturday, August 8, 2009


                They isolate children socially and distract them from learning, right? Think again.Researchers have found that kids who clock up regular console time can improve their hand-eye coordination, their grip on science, even their IQ.

A 2002 study of 700 children found that stimulation and adventure games such as sim city and RollerCoaster Tycoon developed children’s  strategic thinking and planning skills. And research by peter excell, head of computing and communications technology at a UK university,suggests computer games are a great way to explain the basics of physics.(A weapon thrown in a game,for example, has to follow a certain trajectory,illustrating the laws of gravity.)

A  primary school in london,actually started a pilot project in september last year using 16 Nintendo DS consoles running the maths training game with a fifth-standard class—who were so engaged that other classes are now sharing the consoles and some students have asked their parents to buy the games to use at home.

BEAWARE:Some games can create stress-like symptoms, with younger children more affected because they are less able to distinguish between fact and fiction .Ensure the computer is somewhere you can see it.


Your taste buds don’t have to suffer for your heart’s sake:Studies show that a mediterranean style diet, with its emphasis on monounsaturated fats (found in olive oil,walnuts, and even dark chocolate), is actually better for your cardiovascular health than low fat eating.How much good can you do yourself? One study of more than 2000 seniors in 11 countries found that those who ate the mediterranean way were nearly to die of cardiovascular disease.(And they cut their risk of dying of any cause by 26 percent)

What’s crucial:


1.Whole grains

2.Fruits and vegetables




6.Poultry for protein olive oil as a fat source


1.Refined grains

2.Red meat



Thursday, August 6, 2009


When it comes to preventing heart disease, regular exercise is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal, experts say---as potent as statin drugs.Women who exercise briskly at least three hours per week slash their risk of heart attack by 30 to 40 percent, according to the ongoing, massive nurses’ health study.

Heart-pumping aerobic exercise lowers bad cholesterol while raising the good kind, demolishes triglycerides, and prevents plaque from accumulating inside arteries.It also combats dangerous abdominal fat.But you don’t need to join a gym.Studies show that exercise is just as effective when done in discrete chunks throughout the day---climbing the stairs at work or taking a fast walk at lunchtime

Monday, August 3, 2009


Eating healthyfully is really about abundance, not deprivation.There are at least a thousand substances in foods that help protect you from heart disease, cancer and premature aging, and skin disease.Many of them cause the bright colours in fruits and vegetables.With good food like this,you never have to ask, “Am I going to live longer, or is it just going to seem longer?”

1.PUMPKINS:They are rich in beta carotene, which may reduce the risk of developing certain cancers and heart disease.They may also deter some aspects of aging.Pumpkins are low in calories,fat and sodium, and high in fibre.The seeds are high in protein and are loaded with magnesium and iron.

2.POMEGRANATES:They are especially high in antioxidants, such as ellagic acid, that reduce inflammation, which may be a factor in both heart disease and many types of cancer.A new study found that pomegranate juice reduced the growth rate of prostate cancer.The juice improves blood flow to your heart and may promote blood flow to sexual organs,potentially improving sexual potency.Maybe that’s why aphrodite, the greek goddess of love, was credited with planting the first pomegranate tree on cyprus!

3.TOMATOES:Tomatoes are rich in lycopene , which may help reduce the risk of heart disease,breast,lung and prostate cancer.Cooking helps activate lycopene, so tomato paste and sauce may be especially beneficial.Tomatoes also have vitamins A,C,E and potassium.

4.GINGER:Ginger contains a compound called gingerol that may lower blood pressure and increase circulation.It may also help relieve migraines and arthritis pain by blocking inflammation-causing prostaglandins.

5.SPINACH:Spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables contain lutein, which helps protect your vision against macular degeneration and cataracts.It is rich in beta carotene,vitamins C,E and folate, as well as calcium and magnesium, important for strong bones.And one cup of cooked spinach has about a third of your daily requirement of magnesium, which helps keep nerve and muscle cells healthy.

I would say only one thing just dont ignore vegetables because it gives you healthy life.