These simple exercises will give you a fit body, just do them four days a week.What you have to do is, just spare some time for basic moves that target multiple groups,help burn calories faster and get you that hot,sculpted body.There are many exercises that you can do but you have to really work hard if you want a good and sexy body.If you do regular exercise then your body will remain always perfect and good.There are many exercises that you can do like regular walking,chin up,pull up,Ab crunch basics,push-ups and many more.Choice is yours if you really want a good body then you have to some basic exercise.
Some regular and simple exercise for you:
1.HOW YOU CAN DO A LUNGE EXERCISE:What you have to do is just tone your glute,quads and calves all at once,with the body-sculpting lunge.
*Keep hands at the hip or hold dumbells in both hands.
*Lower the upper body,keeping torso erect and maintain balance.
*The back knee should also bend to a 90 degree angle
*Keeping weight on the heels, go back to the starting position.
*Alternate sides till you have done about 20 repetitions on each side.
2.PUSH-UPS:The dreaded push-up actually does wonders for your upper body--chest,biceps,triceps,shoulders and core muscles.
*Lie down with arms touching the floor,palms placed slightly narrower than shoulder width and directly beneath the shoulders.
*Push yourself up.Make sure your toes are on the floor,balancing the body.The knees should not touch the floor.
*Now lower the body till your chest touches the floor and then push your body up,till the arms are locked.
3.BENT-OVER ROWS:This weight-training exercise targets the upper back and bicep muscles.First you learn to grab your dumbbells carefully,cautions Deanne.To prevent injury,squat and pick them up,rather than bend the back.
*Keep feet shoulder-width apart.
*Bend forward from the waist so that your chest is leaning forward over the feet.
*Lock the elbows to the waist and lift both hands towards the side of your body.
*Eight-10 repetitions will suffice.
4.AB CRUNCH BASICS:This basic abdominal exercise tops the list of everyone yearnig for a flat tummy.If proper form is maintained,crunches help tone and tighten the mid-section.As you progress,you can attempt several variations of abdominal crunches using weights.
*Lie on your back,knees bent,feet flat on the floor.
*Keep knees hip-width apart.
*Beginners can place hands across the chest and intermediates must clasp their hand behind their head.
*Breathe out as you raise the head and shoulders off the floor,using your abdominal muscles to lift.
*To start,complete one set of 15-20 crunches and increase as fitness levels improve.
5.WALKING:Walking is one of the most natural forms of exercise.It burns calories,boosts energy and has several health benefits like lowering cholesterol,blood pressure and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.What you have to do is just simply squeeze 30 to 40 minutes of walking into your daily routine.Maintain the right posture--stand tall and look up to avoid strain on the back and neck.
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