A Digital signature is a cryptographic mechanism that performs a similar function like a written signature,used to verify the origin and contents of the message.
Payment information sent from customers to merchants include:
*Order information
*Personal data
*Payment instructions
If any piece of information is modified,the transaction may no-longer be accurate.To eliminate this source of error or fraud,an arithemetic algorithm called hashing is employed along with the concept of digital signatures.The hash algorithm generates a value that is unique to the payment information to be transferred.
It can accurately determine:
*Whether the transformation was created using the private key that corresponds to the signer's public key.
*Whether the initial electronic record has be altered since the transformation was made.
So an electronic signature means any letter character or other symbols in digital form attached to or logically associated with an electronic record.Such a signature is executed or adopted with the invention of authenticated or approving the electronic record.
ReplyDeleteNice and useful post. I am grateful to you for explaining the meaning of digital signatures. In this article you have nicely explained the complete idea of this concept. Thanks.
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