Thursday, February 11, 2010


Smoking is injurious to health that everybody knows but the main thing is that its very difficult to quit smoking.I have seen many people who smokes very proudly,i don't know why they smokes just for fun,showoff or what.Think about disease i mean what you will get if you smokes nothing except disease like lung cancer,heart disease,and many diseases.Specially for sex i mean smoking is not good for sex this can be very dangerous for your sex life,so think about it.If you want to quit your smoking then i have many tips like:

1.First you think that why you want to smoke for what,for showoff,for depression or for what.Think about it.

2.Think about diseases like lung cancer and many bad diseases.

3.If you like sex then quit smoking because smoking is not good for sex.

4.If you are thinking about smoking then think about your girlfriend or video games.

5.Drink 12 to 14 glass of water to avoid smoking and to clean your body system.

6.Avoid going to cigarette place ,pubs and many places where cigarette can be easily available.

7.Protect your money from cigarettes.

8.Eat fresh fruits and vegetables to reduce weight.

9.Think about your future you have two choices hospital and a good life so whats your choice.If you are looking for a good life then avoid smoking.

10.Ask your self that are you doing a good job with cigarettes???

11.Do exercises and yoga.

12.Trust yourself and accept it as a challenge.

13.Take doctor guidance support.

14.And one last important thing,if you are still unable to quit smoking then think that you are a big looserrrrr.

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