Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This is a website which provides all the information and guidance while using internet.Yahoo,Altavista and many more are well known portal sites.There are many portals which are known nationally and internationally.General portals are known as horizontal portal or vortal.Portals meant for specific purpose are vertical portals or vortals.All ISPs will have their own portals.

All portals are similar to yahoo.Yahoo has classified all the websites in the world wide web into division and subdivision.

While creating portal sites you will have to decide the classification of information to be collected.Next is the collection of information of the divisions decided.The first step of this is to make a directory.Nowadays information like news,climate,e-mail,stock market and maps etc are seen in portals.There is no specific rule to create a portal.When more people visit a portal,the portal becomes a success.

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